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Galapagos Travel | Oceano Programs

Santa Cruz, Isabela, San Cristobal Islands and more

Galapagos Travel Land Tours: Oceano Programs

The Oceano Galapagos Travel programs are a piece of our Galapagos and tours selection, this implies they are multiday, lodging based outings.

These excursions enable you to completely investigate the Galapagos inside the conceivable outcomes of an inn based trek. The Oceano Agenda incorporates entire day outing and a visits to uninhabited islands (either Bartolomé, North Seymour, Squares as well as Santa Clause Fe, ) beside Santa Clause Cruz, Isabela and San Cristobal Island (8-day program).

Oceano Visit Bundles enable the likelihood to pick the quantity of aggregate islands that you might want to visit and the classifications of inns you might want to remain in: Economy, Vacationer, Traveler Prevalent or Top notch inns. The cost of the visit contains settlement, guided journeys, 3 dinners every day and gear (as set in the agenda).

Our Oceano program is a standout amongst the most looked for after bundles among Galapagos Islands visits since it is completely adaptable and incorporates exercises, for example, swimming, direct climbing, untamed life seeing, exploring and swimming.

More information on Galapagos Oceano Programs

How do the Galapagos Oceano Programs work?

The Galapagos Oceano Programs include activities such as snorkeling, short hikes, wildlife viewing and navigation. The tours will take you from 3 to 4 differetn islands (depending on the length). You will be lodging in Santa Cruz, Isabela and San Cristobal and the transfers between islands are done via speedboats. Our Oceano programs are specially designed to fit families with children above three years old and up to travelers in their 60’s.

Available destinations

Aside form the mentioned islands, the tours inclide a visit to a navigable destination, that will depend on availability and the day of the week as regulated by the Galapagos National Park. These include four inhabited islands around Santa Cruz, you will visit either ONE of these spots depending on availability and the day of the week:

 – Bartolome Island

– Plazas Sur Island

– Santa Fe Island or

– North Seymour Island.

All of this islands offer unique opportunities to get close to real nature and do lot of activities such as hiking, snorkeling, wildlife viewing. Each island holds its own ecosystem and since they are seldom visited by tourist, they are still intact and nature is almost undisturbed by traveler’s presence.

Tell us which island you will like to visit while booking your trip and we will arrange the itinerary in the best way possible.

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